L6387 ED013TR is an electronic component mainly used in the automotive industry. In order to better understand the use of this product in the automotive industry, we will discuss in depth information on its technical characteristics, performance indicators, market competitiveness and cost-effective optimization of the production process.

technical characteristics

L6387 ED013TR is a high-performance power management IC mainly used in automotive battery management systems. This product has the following technical characteristics:

1. High efficiency: L6387ED013TR has high-efficiency power management capabilities, which can effectively reduce power losses and improve the overall efficiency of the system.

2. High precision: This product has high-precision voltage and current measurement functions, which can accurately monitor battery status and ensure stable operation of the system.

3. High temperature range: The L6387ED013TR can operate over a wide temperature range and is suitable for use in automotive battery management systems under various environmental conditions.

4. Low noise: This product has low-noise characteristics, which can reduce interference in the system and ensure stable operation of the system.

performance Index

The performance indicators of L6387 ED013TR are as follows:

1. Voltage range: This product can operate in a voltage range of 3.3V to 5.5V.

2. Current range: L6387ED013TR can operate within a current range of ±1.5A.

3. Efficiency: The efficiency of this product can reach more than 95%.

4. Temperature range: The L6387ED013TR can operate in the temperature range of-40°C to 125°C.

market competitiveness

The competitiveness of L6387 ED013TR in the market is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Technological leadership: The technical characteristics and performance indicators of this product are in a leading position among similar products, and can meet the high-performance requirements of automotive battery management systems.

2. Widespread application: L6387ED013TR has been used in battery management systems from multiple automobile manufacturers, proving its wide applicability and reliability.

3. Cost-effectiveness: The product's cost-effectiveness optimization reduces the overall cost of the system while meeting high-performance requirements.

Cost-effectively optimize production processes

In order to further optimize the production process of L6387ED013TR, purchasers in the electronics manufacturing industry can take the following measures:

1. Supply chain management: Buyers can establish a sound supply chain management system to ensure the safety and reliability of the supply chain and reduce risks in production.

2. Quality control: During the production process, purchasers can ensure product quality and performance through strict quality control measures.

3. Technical support: Buyers can establish close technical cooperation relationships with manufacturers to ensure technical support and upgrade services for products.

4. Cost optimization: Buyers can reduce production costs and improve production efficiency through multi-channel procurement and cost optimization measures.


L6387ED013TR is a high-performance power management IC mainly used in automotive battery management systems. This product is in a leading position in terms of technical characteristics, performance indicators and market competitiveness. In order to further optimize the production process, buyers in the electronics manufacturing industry can ensure product quality and performance and improve production efficiency through measures such as supply chain management, quality control, technical support and cost optimization.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is for informational purposes only. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information and accept no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of such information.

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